APICE is a national youth NGO for social development, aimed at promoting a common European culture, as well as improving the awareness, disseminating and promoting fundamental values of the European Union and the principles of the Council of Europe. APICE actively contributes and support active youth participation, sustainable development,social dialogue and cooperation, by supporting the participation of citizens, NGOs, public and private authorities, in initiatives and programs promoted by European Union and Council of Europe, in particular in the field of youth, education, human rights, sport, sustainability.
APICE realizes its projects and activities by different methodological approaches: APICE give specific training and seminars on project design and management, workshops on European awareness and citizenship, structured dialogue initiatives, conferences addressing young people, youth workers, educators, teachers and professionals interested in the field. Furthermore, APICE encourages its trainers and facilitators to stimulate young people participation, creativity and learning capacity by experimenting different kind of non-formal education methods.
APICE was involved in several international projects, such as Erasmus+ youth exchanges, training courses and structure dialogue initiatives, CoE seminars, Study Sessions, Conferences and local activities with youth in different regions of Italy: Calabria, Campania, Sicilia, Abruzzo, Lazio, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Piemonte, Lombardia, Emilia Romagna. Thanks to the mentioned activities, their members learned the power of non-formal education, acquired a wide range of methods and implemented workshops with numerous young groups.
APICE counts on a network of partner organizations, in Italy and in different EU and extra-EU countries, cooperating for projects and activities in the field of Youth NGO Management and Youthwork Recognition, Youth participation for Active and Democratic Citizenship, Youth Empowerment, Youth self-entrepreneurship, Rural development and Sustainable Growth, Environment protection,Nature and Healthy Lifestyle, Human Rights, Human Rights Education, Youth Activism against Hate Speech.
APICE has a wide experience in implementing non formal education activities in schools regarding human rights and combating Hate Speech,, cooperating directly with primary and secondary schools from north (Bergamo) to south (Reggio Calabria) Italy and also through the coordination of Europe Direct Reggio Calabria, for activities realized in partnership with the Municipality of Reggio Calabria.