IO1 and io2 Updates
⚽️Even though the world stood still in front of the virus🦠, we are not stopping and still meeting virtually to discuss updates on the project SPORTIFICATION.🎾 Here are some of our announcements:👉We succesfully finalized Intellectual Output 1 on the 31 of May👉We started working on Intelectual Output 2 on the 1st of June👉We meet online periodically
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Promoting our project
During a visit in Sofia, Bulgaria, the partners from Romania dn Poland have visited the offices of TezaOED and have presented our project in front of represenatives from 4 european organisations active in the field of youth work.#PromotingOurProject #EnsuringInternationalVisibility
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KA2 Sportification – Kickoff meeting
We are pleased to announce the 5 organizations involved in the Erasmus+ KeyAction2 Sportification project met for the first time during the kickoff meeting held during the 4th and 5th of February in Timișoara, Romania. The meeting took place at IncubART in a space perfectly suited for us, where we warmly welcomed everyone to our
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IO5 – Manual for gamification methods in PA
The researchers tasked with the comprising of this manual will look into the motivation of young people to be physically active and to engage in different sports activities. The manual will be built on the principle of using gamification to encourage physical and sport activity. It will have 5 chapters as follows: 1.Scaffolding: Young people
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IO4 – Online test for young people aimed at evaluating the sports and PA levels of engagement
IO4 is the online test in the form of a questionnaire using the Likert scale with values from 1 to 10. The role of the test is to verify the progress achieved by young people in specific sports or PA activity. The questionnaire will have 50 questions. The questionnaire / test / assessment tool will
IO3 – YouthActivated gamified website and app for PA
The mobile app SPORTIFICATION represents the result end-work of the Intellectual Output number 3 that has been developed in the framework of project “SPORTIFICATION – USING GAMIFICATION IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES AND SPORT ACTIVITIES” (project number 613626-EPP-1-2019-1-RO-SPO-SCP). The aim of the mobile app is to be used as a tool meant to increase physical activity levels
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IO2 – Research on gamification impact on sports and PA
The output will focus on identifying the most suitable gamification approaches that can be employed in increasing participation of young people in peripheries in sports and PA activities. Gamification is the use of game design and mechanics to enhance non-game contexts by increasing participation, engagement, loyalty and competition. These methods can include points, leaderboards, direct
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IO1 – Study on the needs of young people in peripheries and their socio-economic status conditionalities
The study we will conduct in the first part of the project is aimed at understanding young people living in peripheries their context. The aim of the project is to encourage participation of young people in sports and physical activities through gamification. We will conduct the study in 15 different communities located at periphery (3/partner)